In the previous article in this series on World Age Cycles, I identified a very distinct conjunction pattern linked to periodic global upheaval, suggesting a causal link. But just how exactly is this possible? How can planetary alignments actually trigger earthbound destruction?
What physical mechanism would allow for this?
The answer would appear to be had from a close study of the properties of comets, the work of Immanuel Velikovsky on Catastrophism, my own work on gravity waves in space, and various ancient esoteric texts dealing with end-times cycles.
To understand then just what actually happens at the end of a World Age Cycle, and how planetary alignments may actively produce a whole host of exotic phenomena in the heavens, this current article shall examine the following:
1) The physical properties of comets, as revealed by modern science
2) The theories of Immanuel Velikovsky concerning Catastrophism.
3) Gravity waves in space, including resonance within the celestial realm – all of which are dealt with in my own book, Occult Physics (See my homepage for details).
4) Certain key ancient texts which symbolically/metaphorically encode the physical processes at work during end of age transitions. Most notably, the Nag Hammadi texts and the Pistis Sophia, which were only very recently re-discovered in the modern age.
Let us begin then, by looking at some of the basic characteristics of comets. In this instance with reference to one only recently discovered just a few decades ago. Comet Hyakutake; first observed in 1996. As shown in the slide below, one can see some of the basic characteristics of the comet. A small rocky body, some 2.6 miles in diameter.
As it got close to the sun, the cometary tail that developed around it extended some 360 million miles away from it. An immense distance, some four times the mean distance between the Earth and the Sun, at some 93 million miles. Now that such small bodies can generate cometary tails so long, is a very noteworthy fact.
Next, we may consider comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko. Here we note a close examination of the comet by the Rosetta probe, as launched by the European space agency. As imaged here, shortly after sunrise impressive jets of gas and dust were seen in the Hapi region of the comet. But just what makes this possible?
As recent scientific advances have shown, comets are not mere ‘dirty snowballs,’ but bodies that electrically interact with the sun. To be sure, it is the sun’s light itself striking such bodies – electrically stimulating them – that forces them to cast off their material into space. Such effects being in addition to the general formation of cometary tails, as they get close to the sun.
In another image of the same comet, an extremely powerful short-lived outburst of material was captured. This was taken from a distance of 186 kilometres from the centre of the comet, with the jet estimated to have had a minimum speed of 10 metres per second.
What is essentially happening here then, is the formation of powerful electromagnetic hotspots upon the comet’s surface, blasting off its material into space, easily overcoming the force of gravity. To be sure, electromagnetic forces are well known to be vastly more powerful than gravitational forces.
Moving on still further, one may consider next comet P17 Holmes (below, left). A small object some 2.2 miles in diameter, orbiting the sun within the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter.
On the 24th of October 2007, comet Holmes shocked astronomers with a spectacular eruption. In less than 24 hours, the 17th magnitude comet brightened by a factor of nearly a million, becoming a naked-eye object in the evening sky. By mid-November the expanding comet was the largest object in the solar system – bigger even than the sun. Now since then, the comet has faded back to invisibility.
So what happened?
Due to a huge spike in the solar wind, it was subject to a surge of charged particles from the sun. And it is this electrical effect, that resulted in it suddenly flaring up, developing an expanding glowing spherical halo about itself.
Now with such exotic cometary effects noted, we turn next to the work of
Immanuel Velikovsky and his classic book Worlds in Collision, first
published in 1950.
In studying very carefully the ancient
mythological stories of the past, Velikovsky concluded that they encoded
real world accounts of great celestial upheaval within the solar
system. Here one may note the following summary of his work, in the words of David Talbott*:
At the heart of Velikovsky's controversial thesis was a seemingly outrageous idea. He claimed that planets, moving on quite different courses than observed today, formerly disturbed the motions of the Earth and caused great destruction to ancient nations. These extraordinary events, Velikovsky claimed, are recorded in ancient chronicles, myths and rites around the world, sources that are simply incomprehensible in terms of celestial motions today.
Velikovsky contended that the planet Venus, just a few thousand years ago, possessed a spectacular, comet-like "tail" , and its orbit intersected that of the Earth. Though Velikovsky's interest in the subject began with a reading of biblical accounts of the Exodus period, the plagues of Egypt, and the spectacles of the wandering in the desert, what led to his startling conclusions was a thorough cross-referencing with global myths of disaster—stories in which the agent of catastrophe takes the form of a great comet or flaming dragon, a body consistently identified with the planet Venus.
Velikovsky also argued that the planet Mars, in the eighth and seventh centuries before the present era, moved on an erratic course, disrupting the Earth. Celestial upheavals caused by the unstable movements of Mars, according to Velikovsky, are the true reason why Mars appears in ancient records as a great war god, shaking the heavens and producing general pestilence and devastation.
Now in introducing some of Velikovsky’s theories by way of Talbott’s article, I do wish to state here that I myself am not in agreement with him on several key points.
To begin with, I do not believe that any of the major planets have suffered radical alterations to their orbits in the manner Velikovsky describes – most notably with regard to Venus or Mars. To my mind, it is not necessary for the planets to get close to one another in order for them to suffer extreme geophysical effects, either by way of gravity or electrical means. It is my own contention that the orbits of the planets have been exceptionally stable over the course of time, as modelled backwards using modern-day astronomical software.
Velikovsky also held to the view that the planet Venus was a recent entrant to our solar system – only arriving a few thousand years ago, initially as a giant comet with a large tail, before finally settling down to establish itself as a planet. Now I myself do not hold to this at all.
My own view concerning past global upheaval, is that such events are periodically triggered by special types of conjunctions. And that they temporarily ignite the inner planets – most notably Mercury and Venus, to develop cometary properties.
In this regard one may consider Venus, by way of example. Imagine a special alignment of the planets energetically stimulating it to develop cometary properties, including a large tail. As cometary tails always point away from the sun, upon conjunction with our planet, the Earth has the potential to pass through it, were it of sufficient length and strength, thereby producing what might be devastating earthbound effects.
When one considers that comet Hyakutake, only 2.6 miles in diameter, produced a tail some 360 million miles in length; in noting that the closest approach between the Earth and Venus upon conjunction is only some 26 million miles, the danger would seem all too apparent. More than this though, one has to consider all of the potential effects associated with small comets, scaled up.
Indeed, if a small rocky body can blast off its material by way of electromagnetism via stimulation by the sun’s light, then what of a planet?
Were Venus itself thus to be stimulated in a similar manner, significant sized fragments, even several hundred feet in diameter, could well be ejected from its surface and cast off into space, easily overcoming gravitational forces.
Were such fragments thus to cross the path of the Earth, crashing into our planet, massive devastation could result.
Now it is upon this point that we may note the extreme global upheaval events as detailed in the previous article in this series: For 10964, 7650, and 3153 BC, we had the world age ending core alignment associated with major meteor or cometary bombardment of the Earth. However, when the alignment was established in 1345 AD, we do not appear to have had large destructive fragments hit us. Rather, we just seem to have been brushed by a cometary tail creating a toxic atmosphere, which resulted in the plague.
The alignment that triggered all of these disasters was the same, but the effects were not. Sometimes we just get lucky, and avoid getting hit by major fragments.
Now this brings us to the next issue at hand: Extreme seismic or geophysical activity – especially noted in the mid-7th millennium BC.
In my own book Occult Physics, in chapter 9 (The Secret Physics Of Gravity), I present some of the more esoteric theories on gravity that would appear to explain just how the planets are held in their orbits about the sun.
Now although a full and in-depth explanation is not possible here. And you will need to read my book for that – just briefly, there are certain pertinent points to note about gravitational fields that are very relevant to periodic global upheaval.
As you can see from the diagram – reproduced from my book – I present a basic section of the core elements of a gravity field.
The key point to note here, is that such fields do not extend away from a given material body in accordance with the gradient of a simple inverse square law, as per the work of Isaac Newton. Rather, gravitational fields are generated by complex rotational forces, usually operative deep within the interior of a given body.
As a result, localised gravity wave troughs are generated that extend away from a given primary body.
Now what actually makes this possible, is the fact that space itself has resistance.
Consider the sun itself by way of example.
From the work of various Russian and American physicists, it has been found that the sun continuously changes its volume, and that the Sun’s surface rises and falls by about 10000 metres just like a pump motion, with a cycle of 160 minutes. And this is in addition to its rotational motion.
As a result of this type of dynamic action, the sun pushes space out away from itself, creating a distinctive waveform pattern. Due to the resistance of material space itself however, the sun’s waves eventually reach a maximum compression point, far away from the body.
At this point, the waves then rebound and reflect back. The outgoing waves thus interact with the incoming reflecting waves, creating a series of standing waves i.e. localised troughs with gradients of differing space density.
All of the planets orbiting the sun must orbit within these troughs, as established. What are in effect, local gravity wells. They cannot orbit at just any arbitrary distance from the sun.
How does this relate though to periodic global upheaval?
Well quite simply; when certain special conjunction patterns are established in the heavens, they can temporarily interfere with the sun’s ability to maintain a stable gravitational field.
In other words, the standing wave patterns as actively generated by the sun are disrupted, causing all of the planets within the solar system to simultaneously become agitated in their orbits; being subject to significant geophysical stresses.
Now this indeed would explain the character of the destruction that the earth was subjected to in the mid-7th millennium BC. In this instance, extreme flooding and volcanic activity, caused by physical stresses to the planet.
In this regard one may actually point to a classic quotation from the 4th century BC Chaldean named Berossos, who was a priest of Bel, or Marduk. Being rather familiar with the esoteric sciences, he himself readily understood just how conjunction patterns could account for destruction, by both fire and water.
Cited by the Roman, Seneca, circa 2000 years ago, we have the following:
Berossos, who interpreted the prophecies of Bel, attributes these disasters (the end of the world and its aftermath) to the movements of the planets. He is so certain of this that he can determine a date for the conflagration and the great flood.
He maintains that the Earth will burn whenever all the planets, which now have different orbits, converge in cancer and are so arranged in the same path that a straight line can pass through all their orbs, and that there will be a further great flood, when the same planets so converge in Capricorn. For under the sign of cancer occurs the change to summer, under Capricorn the change to winter. They are signs of great power, occurring when there are movements in the change of season.
Seneca (c. 4 BC to 65 AD). Naturales Questiones
Now one can readily see then just how the Earth can be devastated by fire and water, via planetary alignments:
To further the above points, one may turn next to a collection of early Christian-Gnostic texts discovered near the Upper Egyptian town of Nag Hammadi in 1945. Texts which have significantly influenced modern scholarship of early Christianity and Gnosticism.
It was in this year then that thirteen leather-bound papyrus codices buried in a sealed jar were found by a local farmer named Muhammed al-Samman. The writings in these codices comprised 52 mostly Gnostic treatises, but they also included three works belonging to the Corpus Hermeticum, and a partial translation of Plato's Republic.
Now according to scholars, the texts themselves date to the 4th century AD, having been buried since that time right up until when they were re-discovered in 1945 AD.
One particular manuscript within the Nag Hammadi Library, of great relevance here, is called "On the Origin of the World." A Gnostic work dealing with creation and the end times. A most notable passage is given below. One that has many parallels to certain passages in the Gospels in the canonical Bible.
Before the consummation [of the age], the whole place will shake with great thundering. Then the rulers will be sad… The angels will mourn for their mankind, and the demons will weep over their seasons, and their mankind will wail and scream at their death.
Then the age will begin, and they will be disturbed.
Their kings will be intoxicated by the fiery sword, and they will wage war against one another, so that the Earth will be intoxicated with bloodshed. And the seas will be disturbed by those wars. Then the sun will become dark. And the moon will cause its light to cease. The stars of the sky will cancel their circuits. And a great clap of thunder will come out of the force that is above all the forces of chaos…
The Nag Hammadi Collection: "On the Origin of the World."
Here then, the whole place shaking with great thundering refers to the cosmic framework itself being disturbed. That is to say, the celestial bodies of the heavens, including the Earth. Something that would appear to coincide with the stars of the sky cancelling their circuits.
Now in this instance, the reference is to the ‘Wandering Stars,’ which is how the ancients referred to the other planets within the solar system, as distinct from the fixed or background stars.
Cancelling their circuits though is a most curious term. One that hints at a profound esoteric truth. That resonance itself, as a physical process, is operative within the heavens.
Now the ancients well accepted that all of the planets propagate their own unique sound signature. Hence the term, music of the spheres. To be sure, it is not just the sun that establishes a gravity wave pattern around itself. All of the planets do; even in accordance with pulsating rotational forces operative deep with their interiors; even beyond any rocky exterior.
When certain special planetary alignments are thus established at the end of a world age cycle, the gravitational-waveform patterns of the planets – their music so to speak – interact to achieve resonant agitation. And it is this which actually triggers geophysical disruption throughout the solar system, and what constitutes the planets ‘cancelling their circuits.’
More than this though, at such times, the sun itself may undergo a most peculiar process: The cancellation of its light waves, causing it to temporarily go dark.
To understand more about this process, we turn next to another gnostic text, known as the Pistis Sophia. Discovered in the modern age in 1773, scholars have dated this work to the 3rd century AD. Yet another case of an ancient manuscript dated to antiquity, which was apparently lost for over a thousand years before being rediscovered almost by accident.
Now the manuscript in question records certain secret teachings of Jesus not contained with the canonical Bible. Essentially, private conversations between Jesus and his main disciples, including also his mother Mary, Mary Magdalene, and Martha.
In a certain section of the book, Jesus discusses all of the regions of creation extending from the Godhead, the farthest of which is called The Outer Darkness. This is characterised as the most isolated realm or state of being in existence; being symbolised by a Dragon swallowing its own tail. From a physics perspective, this is representative of an energetic waveform self-reflecting upon itself – being trapped in a perpetual loop.
Now when we have these special end of age alignments, the physical characteristics of The Outer Darkness would appear to play a role in the disruptive process. One particular passage of the Pistis Sophia is well worth citing in this regard. Chapter 131:
Mary continued again and said: "My Lord, doth the dragon of the outer darkness come into this world or doth he not come?"
The Saviour answered and said unto Mary: "When the light of the sun is outside [? above the world], he covereth the darkness of the dragon; but if the sun is below the world, then the darkness of the dragon abideth as veiling of the sun, and the breath of the darkness cometh into the world in the form of a smoke in the night,--that is, if the sun withdraweth into himself his rays, then indeed the world is not able to endure the darkness of the dragon in its true form; otherwise would it be dissolved and go to ruin withal."
When the planets thus align themselves in certain special patterns at the end of a world age, this is when the physical condition characterised by the Outer Darkness manifests in the world. Affecting not just the Earth, but the Sun also.
To be sure, what this passage from the Pistis Sophia appears to be describing is a situation where the many and varied light waves of the sun develop coherency of their wavelengths, achieving what physicists refer to as destructive interference.
Essentially, they cancel themselves out, causing the sun’s light itself to fail. And hence, for the body to darken. Moreover, on its way to darkening, it may also alter its colour, most especially towards the red end of the visible spectrum.
Here then it is worth noting, that eye witnesses in the past have observed all of these effects, as have indeed coincided with certain very special conjunction patterns. And in future articles, precise examples of this will be given.
Now there is also one final point to note regarding changes to the sun’s light waves: Its energy output.
The very disruption of its light waves via these special alignments would also appear to explain the sudden and long lasting changes to the temperature of the Earth, as recorded in its geophysical history.
In closing here then, all of the exotic effects present at the end of a world age may indeed be produced merely by the planets aligning themselves in certain special configurations.
Firstly we have the geophysical effects caused by the resonant agitation of the solar system, affecting all of the planets simultaneously to one degree or another; producing extreme seismic activity, planet-wide.
In addition to which, the planets may also suffer significant disruption to their axial rotation. Briefly speeding up or slowing down erratically, before returning to normal. One may include here also a disruption to the orientation of the axes of the planets as well.
Then there is the ignition or energetic activation of the inner planets to develop cometary properties – most notably Mercury and Venus. Effects here may include long cometary tails temporarily established. Also, significant chunks of matter blasted off into space from electromagnetic hotspots that develop on the surface of the bodies.
Next, there are the changes to the sun.
Its light waves develop coherency, and via destructive interference cancel one another out. This may cause the sun itself to go dark or change colour; its light waves shifting outside of the visible spectrum.
Finally, we may note that the energy output of the sun may also be altered. Being suddenly increased or decreased quite significantly. An effect that may be quite long lasting.
Now importantly, in ending here, it should be noted that none of the above effects require a radical alteration to the orbits of the planets, as per the theories of Velikovsky. Most certainly the planets do suffer agitation and disruption, but essentially remain intact, with their orbital paths and periods not being fundamentally transformed.
NEXT: The Mayan-Aztec Calendars & World Age Ending Cycles
*The cited paragraphs are from this article by David Talbott: Velikovsky and Planetary Catastrophe. Website article: